Friday, December 21, 2012


To us pinterest users, the magnetic makeup board is not unheard of. I was perusing the DIY boards when I stumbled across it and I knew that I wanted to give it a try! Here is my final result...


*With the Fabric, choose whatever you please however I've found that I like fabrics that have mesh or some type of material that you can see through. I like the effect that it gives when you can see the metal underneath*


1) Take the insert from the fame and use a sharpie to mark on the metal the size you'll need to cut out. Trim your metal to the proper size using your cutters - BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL IT WILL BE VERY SHARP! After it's cut make sure to clean it with some Windex)
2) If there are any little sharp edges sticking up or down on the edges of the metal, use some pliers or clamps (something you have on hand) and flatten those rough pieces out. Now test your sheet in the frame - Be sure to remove all the inserts [DO NOT THROW AWAY] as well as the glass. If it fits perfect, we can move on. If not trim the edges a bit more until it does! Now cut your fabric, place the paper insert and cut around it leaving about 2 inches extra on each side.

 3) Now grab that spray glue and some newspaper! Make sure to shake the glue well before you use it and hold the can about 6 inches away. Spray up one side of the metal then fold the fabric over top and hold. Repeat on the opposite side pulling it tight and pressing down. Now repeat on the top and bottom, then leave to dry as to what is recommended on the bottle - Pshhh we all know we don't do that, just wait about 20 to 30 minutes then you can move on ;)

4) FINALLY, YOU'RE ALMOST DONE I PROMISE! After you're fabric covered metal is completely dry (...or semi-dry :P) place it into your frame. Make sure all the little tabs are COMPLETELY out of the way because it's going to be a snug fit. Once that's complete place the inserts that came with the frame (cardboard, matting, or whatnot) on top of the metal to ensure a snug fit. Then place the backing on and close all those little tabs.

5) Tadaaaaaa! Now you have your very own fabulous magnetic board. You can use it for anything really, but as a makeup organizer ladies this will changed your life. I absolutely LOVE mine. Just use a hot glue gun to add some magnets to the back of your makeup and you're good to go! Some objects like foundation or large eye shadow pallets will need multiple magnets. 

*The Black cups that you see on my finished board (the very first picture) were recycled playdough cups! I just cleaned to containers, added a coat of black paint, and plopped a magnet on the back. They are the perfect weight and size too!*

Thanks for reading, If you try it out leave me a comment! xoxo


 DIY projects are always so much fun, so I thought I would share one of mine with you all. This is a String Art piece that I made a couple months ago, but I fell in love with it. I'm not going to do an explanation  rather I'll link you to the version that inspired me. Click right here for their tutorial

Here are a few shots from mine:

I hope you give it a try and don't get frustrated it does take a long time! And in case you're wondering, instead of using the rolls of cork like the tutorial that I linked you to, I went to Michaels and just bought a regular cork board! It was so much simpler, plus I found the exact size that I wanted. One more note, painting the board will take a lot of coats, since it's cork it'll just keep absorbing it... Don't worry when that happens, do a coat then let it dry and repeat until you get complete coverage. 

Thursday, December 20, 2012


It's the most wonderful time of the year isn't it - Candy canes,  mistletoe, Christmas trees, nativity scenes, snow, blazing fires, and hot coco. Well yes, but I want to take you back a few months and share a couple pictures with you. I took all of these sometime back in July out on my grandmother's farm. They have not been edited whatsoever; I didn't want to tamper with nature's own beauty. So, without further ado....

I am not, and do not pretend to be, an expert photographer; Photography is merely a hobby of mine and I thought I might share some of it. Keep an eye out for my Winter Photo Shoot, Merry Christmas :)